
The Tema Foundation

This site provides general information only and may or may not reflect the position of The Tema Foundation.

Webpages and any related content provide information, not advice. Any Information provided is not a substitute for professional advice. The content of the webpages are provided for general information only. They are not intended to, and does not, amount to advice which you should rely on. They are not in any way an alternative to specific advice.

You must therefore obtain the relevant professional or specialist advice before taking, or refraining from, any action based on the information in these webpages.

If you have questions about any medical matter, you should consult your doctor or other professional healthcare provider without delay.

If you think you are experiencing any medical condition you should seek immediate medical attention from a doctor or other professional healthcare provider.

The Tema Foundation makes every reasonable effort to ensure that the information is accurate at the time of posting. We cannot guarantee the reliability of any information posted.