jeannine riant

The key components to Jeannine’s work are based on support, trust and aligned action as she invites you to connect to your body, creating space for healing. Her work brings you out of your comfort zone so you can change your vibrational state and stand in your power as you shift your life.

She is a published author and part of the book “Superwoman Myths – Break the Rules of Silence and Speak UP Your Truth and in 2023 she was a top 5 finalist for the Halifax Chamber of Commerce New Business of the Year Award.

She works with women as an energy worker, facilitator and speaker through various modalities such as reiki, access bars, whole body focusing, family constellations, sound baths and more. She creates a sense of unity and community where everyone can feel safe to heal, be themselves and learn new skills as they step inwards so they can step up outwards.

Her gift is to illuminate what no longer serves you so you can experience your authentic vibrant self as she gives you tools, support and resources to fully embrace and own who you choose to be in this lifetime.

Jeannine has a soothing voice coated with compassion that exudes positive energy. She has a smile that is contagious and an electric energy that draws people to her as she facilitates, sacred drumming circles, retreats, workshops as well as individual sessions and conscious life coaching.


Remember to Breathe 

Jeannine Riant will share her knowledge around breath work and the power it has to heal within, to sooth and to calm the nervous system when faced with stressful situations. She will lead you through a breathing exercise to connect you deeper within the body. An internal walk through as she guides you towards a more grounded and calming space within. You will leave with simple techniques that you can use on a daily basis in your personal and work life.